Game Designer Salaries in Boulder, CO, United States

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
$78T - $1L/yr
Average Base Pay

1,537 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$32,359Range$24,269 - $45,303
The average salary for Game Designer is $1,36,689 per year in the Boulder, CO, United States. The average additional cash compensation for a Game Designer in the Boulder, CO, United States is $32,359, with a range from $24,269 - $45,303. Salaries estimates are based on 1537 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Game Designer employees in Boulder, CO, United States.
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Salaries in Boulder, CO, United States



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


Backflip Studios

Backflip Studios

Game Designer


Range: $89T - $1L
6 salaries
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$88,552 - $1,45,433 Range

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Game Designer in Boulder, CO, United States Salaries

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Game Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBoulder, CO, United States/yr
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/yrAvg Base Salary
Cash Bonus$11,000/yr
Stock Bonus$20,000/yr

191 days ago by a Content Designer with 1 to 3 years of experience


/yrAvg Base Salary

289 days ago by a Content Designer with 1 to 3 years of experience

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Base payCash BonusStock Bonus
$1L /yr$11T /yr$20T /yr
$1L /yr

Frequently asked questions about a Game Designer salaries

The average salary for a Game Designer is $1,36,689 per year in Boulder, CO, United States. Salaries estimates are based on 1537 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Game Designer employees in Boulder, CO, United States.

The highest salary for a Game Designer in Boulder, CO, United States is $1,84,425 per year.

The lowest salary for a Game Designer in Boulder, CO, United States is $1,02,517 per year.

Game designers receive pay similar to animators or graphic designers. They can work as freelancers or as full-time employees of firms. Game designers who work as employees generally receive higher and more stable pay than freelance Game designers. Any designer role generally allows for a high degree of creativity, although freelance work allows more personal expression.

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How much game designers make varies, but according to Glassdoor data, around 76% of game designers are satisfied with their salary. Your salary may qualify as a good one due to a potential $32,359.02 in additional pay, two to four of experience, and a relevant degree.

The salary you can expect as a game designer will depend on your experience, education, and the company you work for. However, if you follow a typical game designer career path, you can make between $79,279.73 and $239,432.18, with an average total pay of around $136,689.19. After working as a game designer for some time, you can become a senior game designer and earn an even higher salary.

Would you like your career as a game designer to be more financially rewarding? Luckily, there are things you can do to boost your potential salary. The first is to get a degree in a relevant subject, such as computer science. You may also benefit from a master's degree in game design, or even attending an intensive boot camp on the topic. Make sure you know common programming languages, such as C#, C++ and Python, and are familiar with game design technologies such as Unreal Engine 4. Try completing internships in different areas of game design, doing online courses, and creating a portfolio of your work so far.

Would you like to negotiate a higher salary in your current role, or to get the best salary possible from your new game designer job? Make a list of all the reasons you feel you deserve a higher salary than the one listed or that you currently receive. List courses you've taken, certifications you've gained, projects you've worked on, and anything that you feel will make you stand out from other candidates. Find out what other game designers with your level of expertise are making or what new hires in your current role would make. Have a figure in mind when going into your negotiation, and stick closely to it.

About 76.00% of Game Designer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $32,359 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Game Designer in Boulder, CO as a good salary.

Game Designer professionals in Boulder, CO have a wide total pay range, between $79,280 and $2,39,432 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $1,36,689 following the average career path of a Game Designer.



game designer

