Data Analyst Salaries in Gahanna, OH

Base Pay Range
$60T - $90T/yr
Average Base Pay

6,289 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$11,189Range$8,392 - $15,665
The average salary for Data Analyst is $84,911 per year in the Gahanna, OH. The average additional cash compensation for a Data Analyst in the Gahanna, OH is $11,189, with a range from $8,392 - $15,665. Salaries estimates are based on 6289 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Data Analyst employees in Gahanna, OH.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Data Analyst?

in Gahanna, OH

$84,911 /yr
Data Analyst
$1,18,961 /yr
Senior Data Analyst
$1,35,981 /yr
Data Analyst IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Data Analyst?

Job titleSalary
Data Analyst$84,911 /yr
Senior Data Analyst$1,18,961 /yr
Data Analyst IV$1,35,981 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Data Analyst?



per year

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Data Scientist


per year

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Entry Level Data Analyst


per year

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Data Analyst Intern


per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Data Analyst?

in Gahanna, OH

$84,911 /yr
Data Analyst
$1,18,961 /yr
Senior Data Analyst
$1,35,981 /yr
Data Analyst IV
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Data Analyst?

Job titleSalary
Data Analyst$84,911 /yr
Senior Data Analyst$1,18,961 /yr
Data Analyst IV$1,35,981 /yr

Frequently asked questions about a Data Analyst salaries

The average salary for a Data Analyst is $84,911 per year in Gahanna, OH. Salaries estimates are based on 6289 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Data Analyst employees in Gahanna, OH.

The highest salary for a Data Analyst in Gahanna, OH is $1,05,884 per year.

The lowest salary for a Data Analyst in Gahanna, OH is $68,634 per year.

Data analysts are paid well above average, reflecting strong demand for employees with data-related expertise. As demand for their services has grown over the past decade, data analyst salaries have increased rapidly and are likely to continue growing. Data analysts with significant project experience or those with skills at the intersection of communications and data can expect especially high pay. Experienced data analysts can further boost their income through promotion to data scientist roles.

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Professional experience, certifications, and an advanced degree all impact a data analyst's salary. According to ratings on Glassdoor, about 84% of current data analysts are satisfied with their annual earnings. Each year, they can potentially earn up to $11,189.17 in addition to salary.

The average data analyst salary falls between $56,727.74 and $128,660.08 if you follow the typical career path. On average, professionals earn a salary of $73,722.08. This changes with time as one obtains certifications, earns advanced degrees, and gains valuable on-the-job experience. As one progresses in seniority, they can earn higher salaries as senior or principal data analysts.

Boost your salary as a data analyst by honing the industry's most marketable skills. These include Structured Query Language (SQL), probability and statistics, data management, econometrics, statistical programming, querying, and Python. The more you acquire and the better you master them, the more you'll be worth to employers. Since completing a bachelor's degree is the minimum requirement in your profession, consider a master's degree in data analysis, statistics, computer science, or a related field. Professional certification also goes a long way in establishing your credibility and can score you higher-paying roles, so consider becoming a Certified Analytics Professional, Cloudera Certified Associate Data Analyst, or one of over 10 other certifications.

If you're prepared to elevate your salary in your data analyst job, research what professionals earn near you. Compare salaries by experience, education, and industry to discover where you stand. For example, you'll have more bargaining power in investment banking than in retail, and the more experience you gain, the more negotiating power you'll have. Knowing your market value is a vital part of the process. Once you know how much you're worth, go into your meeting requesting the pay you deserve, which generally falls within 20% above your initial offer or current salary. Set the tone by proposing the first amount, and factor your compensation package into the picture.

About 83.68% of Data Analyst professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $11,189 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Data Analyst in Gahanna, OH as a good salary.

Data Analyst professionals in Gahanna, OH have a wide total pay range, between $56,728 and $1,28,660 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $84,911 following the average career path of a Data Analyst.



data analyst

