Business Analyst Salaries in Kailua, HI

Base Pay Range
$55T - $87T/yr
Average Base Pay

1,12,706 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$11,805Range$8,854 - $16,527
The average salary for Business Analyst is $81,126 per year in the Kailua, HI. The average additional cash compensation for a Business Analyst in the Kailua, HI is $11,805, with a range from $8,854 - $16,527. Salaries estimates are based on 112706 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Business Analyst employees in Kailua, HI.
How accurate is an average base pay range of $55T-$87T/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Business Analyst?

in Kailua, HI

$81,126 /yr
Business Analyst
$1,03,287 /yr
Senior Business Analyst
$1,08,704 /yr
Business Analyst IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Business Analyst?

Job titleSalary
Business Analyst$81,126 /yr
Senior Business Analyst$1,03,287 /yr
Business Analyst IV$1,08,704 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Business Analyst?

Business Systems Analyst


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Data Analyst


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Senior Business Analyst


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Business Analyst Entry Level


per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Business Analyst?

in Kailua, HI

$81,126 /yr
Business Analyst
$1,03,287 /yr
Senior Business Analyst
$1,08,704 /yr
Business Analyst IV
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Business Analyst?

Job titleSalary
Business Analyst$81,126 /yr
Senior Business Analyst$1,03,287 /yr
Business Analyst IV$1,08,704 /yr

What people are saying about Business Analyst salaries




Technology Analyst

I started a new job mid last month, but KPMG just got back to me nearly two months after an initial phone interview. My current job is as a Senior Business Analyst at a boutique firm specializing in FinTech. A little boring if I’m being honest, but salary is 100k. According to Glassdoor, the salary for this position at KPMG would be ~115k. Senior Associate for Cloud. How terrible would I be if I ended up leaving my current job after two months? Can anyone actually stomach this?



Frequently asked questions about a Business Analyst salaries

The average salary for a Business Analyst is $81,126 per year in Kailua, HI. Salaries estimates are based on 112706 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Business Analyst employees in Kailua, HI.

The highest salary for a Business Analyst in Kailua, HI is $1,03,504 per year.

The lowest salary for a Business Analyst in Kailua, HI is $64,102 per year.

Business analysts are generally well-paid, with starting salaries nearing the six-figure range. This pay reflects the value they add to their firms. Business analysts with a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) or a Juris Doctorate (JD) generally earn more money than strategists with a bachelor’s degree. Additionally, a career in strategy positions candidates with the skillset and network to move into highly paid executive-level roles of their client firms, including Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Operating Officer (COO).

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Business analysts have an array of career advantages, from benefits packages to advanced degrees and professional certification. Through commissions, profit sharing, and bonuses earned through their work, they can bring home an additional $11,805.06 every year. On Glassdoor, 81% of business analysts rated their salaries as satisfactory.

Professional certification impacts salary, as does education and experience. Changes in these factors directly affect your salary as a business analyst following the standard career path. You can expect a general salary range between $51,898.35 and $128,266.71, with $69,320.55 being the average salary. Becoming a senior business analyst equates to a higher salary, but this position requires a minimum of two years of professional experience.

Consider pursuing a graduate degree in business administration, finance, information technology, or a related field. A higher level of education translates to a higher salary as a business analyst, especially when combined with professional experience in the position. Alternatively, you can complete a certification program to develop your knowledge of business analysis. Focus on attaining and improving the industry's most marketable skills, which include communication, negotiation, decision making, cost-benefit analysis, systems development, report creation, database management and SQL, and presentation of project findings. Considering advancement to a senior-level position? Make professional certification a priority; there are dozens of options that underscore your job-specific abilities, education, and experience in the role.

Certification goes a long way in the bargaining process, and employers often consider certified professionals for higher starting salaries. You can possess multiple certificates, so use them to supplement your bargaining power in business analyst roles. Likewise, education or experience above the average range qualifies you for a higher salary. Following a job offer, explain what you bring to the role and how your past experience will help you in this specific position. In an existing position, list your desired salary and ask how you can work toward it. Research business analyst salaries in your area so you have an accurate picture of your market value during the process.

About 81.04% of Business Analyst professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $11,805 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Business Analyst in Kailua, HI as a good salary.

Business Analyst professionals in Kailua, HI have a wide total pay range, between $51,898 and $1,28,267 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $81,126 following the average career path of a Business Analyst.



business analyst

