Civil Engineer Salaries in Lawrence, KS, United States

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
$67T - $1L/yr
Average Base Pay

11,935 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$14,959Range$11,219 - $20,943
The average salary for Civil Engineer is $98,887 per year in the Lawrence, KS, United States. The average additional cash compensation for a Civil Engineer in the Lawrence, KS, United States is $14,959, with a range from $11,219 - $20,943. Salaries estimates are based on 11935 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Civil Engineer employees in Lawrence, KS, United States.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Civil Engineer?

in Lawrence, KS, United States

$98,887 /yr
Civil Engineer
$1,34,937 /yr
Senior Civil Engineer
$1,32,639 /yr
Civil Engineer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Civil Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Civil Engineer$98,887 /yr
Senior Civil Engineer$1,34,937 /yr
Civil Engineer IV$1,32,639 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Civil Engineer?

Civil Design Engineer


per year

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Project Manager/Civil Engineer


per year

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Civil/Structural Engineer


per year

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Entry Level Civil Engineer


per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Civil Engineer?

in Lawrence, KS, United States

$98,887 /yr
Civil Engineer
$1,34,937 /yr
Senior Civil Engineer
$1,32,639 /yr
Civil Engineer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Civil Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Civil Engineer$98,887 /yr
Senior Civil Engineer$1,34,937 /yr
Civil Engineer IV$1,32,639 /yr

Salaries in Lawrence, KS, United States



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JEO Consulting Group

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$34 - $50 Range

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Civil Engineer in Lawrence, KS, United States Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Civil Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLawrence, KS, United States/yr
Civil Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLawrence, KS, United States/hr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Civil Engineer salaries

The average salary for a Civil Engineer is $98,887 per year in Lawrence, KS, United States. Salaries estimates are based on 11935 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Civil Engineer employees in Lawrence, KS, United States.

The highest salary for a Civil Engineer in Lawrence, KS, United States is $1,25,685 per year.

The lowest salary for a Civil Engineer in Lawrence, KS, United States is $78,469 per year.

Civil engineering salaries are high, reflecting the field’s significant barriers to entry. A bachelor’s in engineering degree is considered a minimum qualification, although many firms strongly prefer candidates with internship experience. Once hired, civil engineers typically work full time and are paid a salary with full benefits. Candidates with a Master of Engineering degree are typically paid higher salaries than candidates with only a bachelor’s degree. Successful engineers can earn a Professional Engineering (PE) license that indicates they are ready for more leadership responsibility, or they may choose to transition into a project manager role.

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Anonymous ratings on Glassdoor show that about 76% of civil engineers are satisfied with their salaries. Major contributing factors that may affect a civil engineer's salary include having an advanced degree and five to seven years of experience.

Civil engineer pay varies widely — it can range anywhere from $63,777.82 to $155,208.82. If you follow the typical civil engineer career path, you can expect a total pay of about $98,886.65. At that point, it's common to progress to senior roles, like director of civil engineering or chief civil engineer.

To make as much money as possible as you move through your civil engineer career, make sure that you follow the correct steps to be properly licensed. You'll need a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, a passing score on the Fundamentals of Engineering and Principles and Practice of Engineering exams, and four years of experience, which allows you to get your professional engineer license. This qualifies you to progress in your career and earn more as a civil engineer. You can also take it a step further and get a graduate degree, which would increase your qualifications (and earning potential) even more.

When looking for civil engineer jobs and discussing your salary as a civil engineer, either with a current or future employer, make sure you highlight your skills that are most in demand in the field, such as project design, consulting, problem-solving, collaboration, surveying, cost estimation, and experience using AutoCAD and CAD software. Recall concrete examples of how you brought these skills to life in projects that you think your employer would find valuable.

Further, make sure to have an understanding of typical civil engineer salaries in your area, so that you have a solid baseline to draw from when you're deciding on the salary you would accept from an employer.

About 76.00% of Civil Engineer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $14,959 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Civil Engineer in Lawrence, KS as a good salary.

Civil Engineer professionals in Lawrence, KS have a wide total pay range, between $63,778 and $1,55,209 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $98,887 following the average career path of a Civil Engineer.



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