Database Administrator Salaries in Maumee, OH

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
$85T - $1L/yr
Average Base Pay

24,311 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$19,004Range$14,253 - $26,606
The average salary for Database Administrator is $1,19,026 per year in the Maumee, OH. The average additional cash compensation for a Database Administrator in the Maumee, OH is $19,004, with a range from $14,253 - $26,606. Salaries estimates are based on 24311 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Database Administrator employees in Maumee, OH.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Database Administrator?

in Maumee, OH

$1,19,026 /yr
Database Administrator
$1,35,816 /yr
Senior Database Administrator
$1,18,937 /yr
Database Administrator IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Database Administrator?

Job titleSalary
Database Administrator$1,19,026 /yr
Senior Database Administrator$1,35,816 /yr
Database Administrator IV$1,18,937 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Database Administrator?

Database Analyst


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Database Manager


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs



per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Senior Database Administrator


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Database Administrator?

in Maumee, OH

$1,19,026 /yr
Database Administrator
$1,35,816 /yr
Senior Database Administrator
$1,18,937 /yr
Database Administrator IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Database Administrator?

Job titleSalary
Database Administrator$1,19,026 /yr
Senior Database Administrator$1,35,816 /yr
Database Administrator IV$1,18,937 /yr

Salaries in Maumee, OH



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Average Base Salary in (USD)




Database Administrator


Range: $79T - $1L
1 salaries
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$79,122 - $1,07,960 Range



Database Administrator (Database Administrator)


Range: $81T - $1L
1 salaries
See 1 salaries from all locations



$81,118 - $1,08,177 Range

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Database Administrator in Maumee, OH Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Database Administrator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMaumee, OH/yr
Database Administrator (Database Administrator) salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMaumee, OH/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Database Administrator salaries

The average salary for a Database Administrator is $1,19,026 per year in Maumee, OH. Salaries estimates are based on 24311 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Database Administrator employees in Maumee, OH.

The highest salary for a Database Administrator in Maumee, OH is $1,43,749 per year.

The lowest salary for a Database Administrator in Maumee, OH is $99,655 per year.

Pay for database administrators is similar to pay for computer network architects, information security analysts, and quality assurance testers. Database administrators can increase their pay by advancing into computer systems manager roles and information systems manager roles. Additionally, successful database administrators can form their own independent consulting firms to either supplement their primary income or to work full-time as a business owner.

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Database administrators must possess a bachelor's or master's degree, and they receive comprehensive benefits packages. They have the potential to earn an additional $19,004.15 every year through bonuses and profit sharing. Measuring salary satisfaction using Glassdoor ratings, 75% of professionals feel content.

The average database administrator possesses two to four years of on-the-job experience, with those with higher levels of experience earning higher salaries. Likewise, most professionals possess a bachelor's degree, so you'll earn more with a master's and a higher level of technical skill. The salary range is between $85,112.13 and $169,807.19. The average database administrator salary is $100,021.52 if you follow the standard database administrator career path.

Your role as a database administrator requires robust technical skills, and you'll need to demonstrate proven ability in each. Common skills to master include: Oracle Datbase, Agile, and Linux, along with Microsoft Vista, Cloud and DBMS software and systems, UNIX, and DMLSS. You should also know both D2B and UDB. While a bachelor's degree is required, earning a master's degree in a field such as information technology or computer science will teach you many of these skills at a higher level. Since the position is technical, experience is also important. Those with more experience earn more and can advance into senior-level positions more quickly.

Database administrator roles are vital to any organization, and it's important to drive that point home during salary negotiation. After a job offer, emphasize how you contribute to your employer's survival. You're the one who creates and assembles their most pertinent databases, so show how important this is with proven examples. Due to high long-term demand, you can earn a higher database administrator salary by emphasizing your technical skills, education, experience, past projects, and reason for working with this specific employer. To negotiate for a raise, emphasize these points using reports and statistics to prove how much value you've brought to the organization during your tenure.

About 75.00% of Database Administrator professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $19,004 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Database Administrator in Maumee, OH as a good salary.

Database Administrator professionals in Maumee, OH have a wide total pay range, between $85,112 and $1,69,807 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $1,19,026 following the average career path of a Database Administrator.



database administrator

