Software Developer Salaries in Mayaguez, PR

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
$51T - $82T/yr
Average Base Pay

2,05,871 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$12,316Range$9,237 - $17,242
The average salary for Software Developer is $76,898 per year in the Mayaguez, PR. The average additional cash compensation for a Software Developer in the Mayaguez, PR is $12,316, with a range from $9,237 - $17,242. Salaries estimates are based on 205871 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Software Developer employees in Mayaguez, PR.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Software Developer?

in Mayaguez, PR

$76,898 /yr
Software Developer
$1,09,653 /yr
Senior Software Developer
$93,209 /yr
Software Developer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Software Developer?

Job titleSalary
Software Developer$76,898 /yr
Senior Software Developer$1,09,653 /yr
Software Developer IV$93,209 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Software Developer?

Entry Level Software Developer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Java Developer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Junior Software Developer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Software Developer Fresher


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Software Developer?

in Mayaguez, PR

$76,898 /yr
Software Developer
$1,09,653 /yr
Senior Software Developer
$93,209 /yr
Software Developer IV
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Software Developer?

Job titleSalary
Software Developer$76,898 /yr
Senior Software Developer$1,09,653 /yr
Software Developer IV$93,209 /yr

Salaries in Mayaguez, PR



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Average Base Salary in (USD)




Software Engineer


Range: $71T - $1L
2 salaries
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$70,572 - $1,18,860 Range

Judicial Branch of Puerto Rico

Judicial Branch of Puerto Rico

Software Developer - Hourly


Range: $26 - $43
2 salaries
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$26 - $43 Range



Software Engineer


Range: $81T - $1L
1 salaries
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$81,099 - $1,48,812 Range


SBM Innovations

Software Developer


Range: $57T - $96T
1 salaries
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$56,709 - $96,094 Range



Software Engineer


Range: $72T - $1L
1 salaries
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$72,483 - $1,17,439 Range

Cloud Coach

Cloud Coach

Software Engineer


Range: $84T - $1L
1 salaries
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$84,114 - $1,21,833 Range

Team and Tech

Team and Tech

Software Developer


Range: $63T - $98T
1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



$62,591 - $98,297 Range

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Software Engineer


Range: $45T - $81T
1 salaries
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$44,806 - $81,303 Range

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Software Developer in Mayaguez, PR Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/yr
Software Developer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/hr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/yr
Software Developer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/yr
Software Developer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMayaguez, PR/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Software Developer salaries

The average salary for a Software Developer is $76,898 per year in Mayaguez, PR. Salaries estimates are based on 205871 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Software Developer employees in Mayaguez, PR.

The highest salary for a Software Developer in Mayaguez, PR is $99,674 per year.

The lowest salary for a Software Developer in Mayaguez, PR is $59,835 per year.

Software developers are paid well above average, often receiving six-figure salaries. The pay range reflects the demand for their skillset and the profitability of the products they make. Candidates with prior experience in the field or higher levels of education generally receive higher salaries. Pay is expected to grow as the digital transformation reaches a global level. Software developers can further increase their total pay by pursuing freelance consulting opportunities.

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In anonymous ratings left on Glassdoor, 80% of software developers say they're satisfied with how much they get paid. You could potentially earn an average of $12,315.80 through stock options and profit sharing if you work for a start-up as a software developer.

During your career as a software developer, you can earn average compensation ranging from $47,771.08 to $125,198.37. In general, jobs working for software publishers tend to pay above the average salary of $64,582.36 for developers. Once you have a few years of experience, you can likely qualify for a higher-paying position as a senior software developer.

Specialty certifications increase your software developer salary by expanding your expertise to new programming languages and skills. Consider boosting your salary with classes in project management, Scrum, Azure, Amazon Web Services, cloud services, Red Hat, Salesforce, or any of countless other areas. You can earn a master's degree in software development to improve your chances of moving into a management role in this field, which also increases the available salary. If you're interested in conducting research or teaching within the realm of software development, consider investing in a Ph.D. in software development.

To successfully negotiate a substantial salary for a software developer job, you'll need to know how much professionals in your region earn in similar roles. You should also show off your relevant skills and indicate how they can drive value for the client. Keep on top of the most profitable programming languages, since you'll have more leverage in the negotiations if you have in-demand expertise that most candidates lack. Emphasize your knowledge of various coding languages, such as Python, Java, Golang, and Ruby. In addition to direct tech skills, demonstrate your ability to manage projects successfully and maintain a high level of quality control.

About 80.05% of Software Developer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $12,316 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Software Developer in Mayaguez, PR as a good salary.

Software Developer professionals in Mayaguez, PR have a wide total pay range, between $47,771 and $1,25,198 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $76,898 following the average career path of a Software Developer.



software developer

