General Manager Salaries in Newark, CA

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
$87T - $2L/yr
Average Base Pay

87,289 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$78,996Range$59,247 - $1,10,595
The average salary for General Manager is $1,94,447 per year in the Newark, CA. The average additional cash compensation for a General Manager in the Newark, CA is $78,996, with a range from $59,247 - $1,10,595. Salaries estimates are based on 87289 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by General Manager employees in Newark, CA.
How accurate is an average base pay range of $87T-$2L/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a General Manager?

in Newark, CA

$1,94,447 /yr
General Manager
$2,16,269 /yr
Senior General Manager
$2,48,778 /yr
General Manager IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a General Manager?

Job titleSalary
General Manager$1,94,447 /yr
Senior General Manager$2,16,269 /yr
General Manager IV$2,48,778 /yr

What are some related job titles for a General Manager?

Assistant General Manager


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Restaurant General Manager


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Assistant Manager


per year

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Assistant Store Manager


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a General Manager?

in Newark, CA

$1,94,447 /yr
General Manager
$2,16,269 /yr
Senior General Manager
$2,48,778 /yr
General Manager IV
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a General Manager?

Job titleSalary
General Manager$1,94,447 /yr
Senior General Manager$2,16,269 /yr
General Manager IV$2,48,778 /yr

Salaries in Newark, CA



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


Remington Hospitality

Remington Hospitality

General Manager


Range: $94T - $1L
1 salaries
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$93,640 - $1,47,893 Range



General Manager


Range: $65T - $96T
1 salaries
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$64,665 - $96,096 Range

Tharaldson Hospitality Management

Tharaldson Hospitality Management

General Manager


Range: $81T - $1L
1 salaries
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$81,046 - $1,26,522 Range

Pacific Coast Warehouse Company

Pacific Coast Warehouse Company

General Manager


Range: $94T - $2L
1 salaries
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$94,114 - $1,58,910 Range

Kasai Kogyo

Kasai Kogyo

General Manager


Range: $1L - $2L
1 salaries
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$1,15,394 - $1,92,221 Range



General Manager - Hourly


Range: $56 - $101
1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



$56 - $101 Range

Socket Mobile Inc

Socket Mobile Inc

General Manager


Range: $1L - $2L
1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



$1,33,283 - $2,21,033 Range

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American Tire Distributors

American Tire Distributors

General Manager


Range: $1L - $2L
1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



$1,24,574 - $2,04,689 Range

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General Manager in Newark, CA Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/yr
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/yr
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/yr
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/yr
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/yr
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/hr
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/yr
General Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNewark, CA/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a General Manager salaries

The average salary for a General Manager is $1,94,447 per year in Newark, CA. Salaries estimates are based on 87289 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a General Manager employees in Newark, CA.

The highest salary for a General Manager in Newark, CA is $2,66,630 per year.

The lowest salary for a General Manager in Newark, CA is $1,45,835 per year.

Pay for general managers varies widely, since the job title encompasses so many possible industries and responsibilities. General managers are typically paid at a premium to more junior team members, as compensation for their additional work training, supervising and coaching others. General managers can increase their pay by progressing into executive level positions.

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Your salary as a general manager can be affected by various factors, including your experience level, the region you live in, and the size and type of company you're managing. Based on Glassdoor's anonymous ratings, about 73% general managers are satisfied with their current salary.

Salaries for the general manager career path typically fall between $112,779.20 and $349,145.64, with average earnings of around $115,450.43, depending on your experience and education. As your experience level increases or you accept a more senior position, such as a district or regional manager role, your salary should move to the higher end of the range.

If you want to make more money in your general manager career, it's important to understand what factors play a role in determining your salary. In addition to your on-the-job experience, holding an advanced degree in one or more business-related fields, such as business administration or operations management can pave the way to quicker promotions and more responsibilities, resulting in a higher general manager salary. Obtaining industry-specific certifications, such as a food safety manager certification, can also help you make more money by demonstrating competency to your employer and increasing your worth as an employee.

Negotiating a salary is an important part of the hiring process. Before you begin negotiations, you should have a specific salary range in mind. You can determine a reasonable range by researching average salaries for similar positions in your area and assessing your education, experience, and in-demand skills. When you begin negotiations, clearly present your salary request accompanied by this supporting information, and be prepared to answer any questions your employer has. If you already have a general manager job and want to renegotiate the salary and benefits, you can increase your chance of a raise by approaching your manager confidently and presenting your case clearly and concisely.

About 72.54% of General Manager professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $78,996 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a General Manager in Newark, CA as a good salary.

General Manager professionals in Newark, CA have a wide total pay range, between $1,12,779 and $3,49,146 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $1,94,447 following the average career path of a General Manager.



general manager

