Graphic Designer Salaries in Ontario, CA

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
$41T - $65T/yr
Average Base Pay

54,602 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$6,681Range$5,011 - $9,353
The average salary for Graphic Designer is $58,309 per year in the Ontario, CA. The average additional cash compensation for a Graphic Designer in the Ontario, CA is $6,681, with a range from $5,011 - $9,353. Salaries estimates are based on 54602 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Graphic Designer employees in Ontario, CA.
How accurate is an average base pay range of $41T-$65T/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Graphic Designer?

in Ontario, CA

$58,309 /yr
Graphic Designer
$72,046 /yr
Senior Graphic Designer
$65,595 /yr
Adjunct Graphic Designer
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Graphic Designer?

Job titleSalary
Graphic Designer$58,309 /yr
Senior Graphic Designer$72,046 /yr
Adjunct Graphic Designer$65,595 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Graphic Designer?

Assistant Graphic Designer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Associate Graphic Designer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Freelance Graphic Designer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Graphic Design Intern


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Graphic Designer?

in Ontario, CA

$58,309 /yr
Graphic Designer
$72,046 /yr
Senior Graphic Designer
$65,595 /yr
Adjunct Graphic Designer
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Graphic Designer?

Job titleSalary
Graphic Designer$58,309 /yr
Senior Graphic Designer$72,046 /yr
Adjunct Graphic Designer$65,595 /yr

Salaries in Ontario, CA



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Average Base Salary in (USD)



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Graphic Designer


Range: $41T - $61T
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$40,761 - $61,260 Range



Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $21 - $33
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$21 - $33 Range



Graphic Designer


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$49,291 - $81,408 Range



Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $20 - $31
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$20 - $31 Range

Otto International

Otto International

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $19 - $30
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$19 - $30 Range

City Color Cosmetics

City Color Cosmetics

Graphic Designer


Range: $44T - $67T
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$43,684 - $66,679 Range

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Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $20 - $31
2 salaries
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$20 - $31 Range

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Cardenas Markets

Cardenas Markets

Graphic Designer


Range: $47T - $76T
1 salaries
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$47,462 - $75,590 Range



Graphic Designer


Range: $43T - $72T
1 salaries
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$42,762 - $72,491 Range

HMC Architects

HMC Architects

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $26 - $37
1 salaries
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$26 - $37 Range

Bow Down Clothing

Graphic Designer


Range: $44T - $68T
1 salaries
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$43,826 - $67,844 Range

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Shiekh Shoes

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $21 - $37
1 salaries
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$21 - $37 Range

University of Texas at Tyler

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Graphic Designer


Range: $42T - $61T
1 salaries
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$41,558 - $61,003 Range



Graphic Designer


Range: $42T - $65T
1 salaries
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$42,061 - $65,449 Range

Mission Inn Hotel & Spa

Mission Inn Hotel & Spa

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $20 - $31
1 salaries
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$20 - $31 Range

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Mathis Home

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $20 - $31
1 salaries
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$20 - $31 Range


Pacific Lodging Supply

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $22 - $34
1 salaries
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$22 - $34 Range

Clover Needlecraft

Clover Needlecraft

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $22 - $35
1 salaries
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$22 - $35 Range

Joerns Healthcare

Joerns Healthcare

Graphic Designer


Range: $51T - $78T
1 salaries
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$51,295 - $78,130 Range

Beauty 21 Cosmetics

Beauty 21 Cosmetics

Graphic Designer - Hourly


Range: $19 - $30
1 salaries
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$19 - $30 Range

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Graphic Designer in Ontario, CA Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/yr
Graphic Designer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOntario, CA/hr
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3

Frequently asked questions about a Graphic Designer salaries

The average salary for a Graphic Designer is $58,309 per year in Ontario, CA. Salaries estimates are based on 54602 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Graphic Designer employees in Ontario, CA.

The highest salary for a Graphic Designer in Ontario, CA is $74,431 per year.

The lowest salary for a Graphic Designer in Ontario, CA is $45,968 per year.

Graphic designers earn similar compensation to special effects artists and animators. Some graphic designers are self-employed freelancers while others work as salaried employees across all industries. Graphic designers who work for specialized design services firms, public relations firms, or advertising firms generally have higher salaries than those who work for newspapers, printing firms or publishers. Freelancers' pay varies by the number of contracts they secure and the rates they charge.

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Thanks to anonymous ratings shared on Glassdoor, we know that about 79% of graphic designers are satisfied with their salaries. Having five or more years of experience in the field can help lead to a good salary for graphic designers.

Total pay for graphic designers falls within a fairly wide range from $37,134.02 to $92,367.42. If you stick to the typical graphic designer career path, after years in the field, you may see an estimated average total pay of $58,308.70, which may include benefits such as bonuses or stock options. From that point on, it's common to move up to more senior positions, like art director.

Want to boost your earnings throughout your graphic design career? Make sure your skill set is up to par. Most graphic designers don't need to continue their formal education beyond a bachelor's degree, but it is crucial that you're knowledgeable about design-related software and programs such as HTML, CSS, Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, Sketch, and InDesign. It's important to remember that graphic design is a highly creative field. Having a deep understanding of how to adjust your aesthetic to meet different brands' needs will help you move forward and earn more.

Before heading into any salary negotiations, it can be useful to take a look at how much other graphic designers make in your area, as well as what they earn by level of seniority. Having that baseline knowledge will help you assess where you fall and the kind of salary you should seek from employers. Next, package your work into an easy-to-navigate online portfolio that speaks to your design sensibility and ability to deliver for clients. Be prepared to talk through your experience in graphic designer roles, lessons you've learned, and skills you have that make you invaluable to clients.

About 78.52% of Graphic Designer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $6,681 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Graphic Designer in Ontario, CA as a good salary.

Graphic Designer professionals in Ontario, CA have a wide total pay range, between $37,134 and $92,367 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $58,309 following the average career path of a Graphic Designer.



graphic designer

