Administrative Assistant Salaries in Denver, CO, United States

Updated 12 Apr 2024
Base Pay Range
$40T - $56T/yr
Average Base Pay

1,41,118 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$2,872Range$2,154 - $4,021
The average salary for Administrative Assistant is $50,529 per year in the Denver, CO, United States. The average additional cash compensation for a Administrative Assistant in the Denver, CO, United States is $2,872, with a range from $2,154 - $4,021. Salaries estimates are based on 141118 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Administrative Assistant employees in Denver, CO, United States.
How accurate is an average base pay range of $40T-$56T/yr?
Your input helps Glassdoor refine our pay estimates over time.
What is the salary trajectory for a Administrative Assistant?

in Denver, CO, United States

$50,529 /yr
Administrative Assistant
$51,045 /yr
Administrative Assistant Manager
$67,094 /yr
Administrative Assistant IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Administrative Assistant?

Job titleSalary
Administrative Assistant$50,529 /yr
Administrative Assistant Manager$51,045 /yr
Administrative Assistant IV$67,094 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Administrative Assistant?

Admin Assistant


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Human Resources Administrative Assistant


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs



per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Administrative Coordinator


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Administrative Assistant?

in Denver, CO, United States

$50,529 /yr
Administrative Assistant
$51,045 /yr
Administrative Assistant Manager
$67,094 /yr
Administrative Assistant IV
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Administrative Assistant?

Job titleSalary
Administrative Assistant$50,529 /yr
Administrative Assistant Manager$51,045 /yr
Administrative Assistant IV$67,094 /yr

Salaries in Denver, CO, United States



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


University of Denver

University of Denver

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $20 - $26
35 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$20 - $26 Range

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $20 - $26
18 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$20 - $26 Range

State of Colorado

State of Colorado

Administrative Assistant - Monthly


Range: $4T - $5T
15 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$3,722 - $5,258 Range

Regis University

Regis University

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $19 - $26
14 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$19 - $26 Range

University of Colorado Denver

University of Colorado Denver

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $20 - $27
13 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$20 - $27 Range

Denver Health and Hospital Authority

Denver Health and Hospital Authority

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $22 - $29
11 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$22 - $29 Range

Plante Moran

Plante Moran

Administrative Assistant


Range: $42T - $59T
10 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$41,995 - $59,180 Range

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Robert Half

Robert Half

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $20 - $29
10 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$20 - $29 Range



Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $21 - $28
9 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$21 - $28 Range

City and County of Denver

City and County of Denver

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $21 - $29
8 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$21 - $29 Range

Eide Bailly

Eide Bailly

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $20 - $27
7 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$20 - $27 Range


Denver Public Schools

Administrative Assistant


Range: $44T - $60T
6 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$43,886 - $59,723 Range

Community College of Denver

Community College of Denver

Administrative Assistant


Range: $41T - $55T
6 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$41,212 - $54,700 Range

Gordon & Rees

Gordon & Rees

Administrative Assistant


Range: $47T - $63T
6 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$46,595 - $63,160 Range



Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $20 - $28
5 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$20 - $28 Range

University of Colorado

University of Colorado

Administrative Assistant


Range: $43T - $59T
5 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$43,370 - $58,521 Range

High Country Search Group

High Country Search Group

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $18 - $25
5 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$18 - $25 Range

Hines Interests Limited Partnership

Hines Interests Limited Partnership

Administrative Assistant


Range: $44T - $63T
5 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$44,171 - $63,425 Range

Fast Enterprises

Fast Enterprises

Administrative Assistant


Range: $43T - $62T
5 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$43,444 - $61,644 Range

National Jewish Health

National Jewish Health

Administrative Assistant - Hourly


Range: $21 - $27
5 salaries
See 761 salaries from all locations



$21 - $27 Range

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Administrative Assistant in Denver, CO, United States Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/mo
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/yr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/yr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/yr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/yr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/yr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/yr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/yr
Administrative Assistant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedDenver, CO, United States/hr
Viewing 1 - 10 of 39

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/hrAvg Base Salary

8 days ago by a Administrative Assistant with 1 to 3 years of experience


/yrAvg Base Salary

9 days ago by a Administrative Assistant with 10 to 14 years of experience


/hrAvg Base Salary

10 days ago by a Administrative with 10 to 14 years of experience


/yrAvg Base Salary

11 days ago by a Administrative with more than 15 years of experience

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/yrAvg Base Salary

11 days ago by a Administrator with 1 to 3 years of experience


/hrAvg Base Salary

11 days ago by a Admin Support with 1 to 3 years of experience


/hrAvg Base Salary

12 days ago by a Administrative Assistant with 1 to 3 years of experience

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Recent user submitted salaries for Administrative Assistant?

Base payCash BonusStock Bonus
$15 /hr
$60T /yr
$28 /hr
$80T /yr
$75T /yr
$25 /hr
$20 /hr

Frequently asked questions about an Administrative Assistant salaries

The average salary for an Administrative Assistant is $50,529 per year in Denver, CO, United States. Salaries estimates are based on 141118 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by an Administrative Assistant employees in Denver, CO, United States.

The highest salary for an Administrative Assistant in Denver, CO, United States is $60,142 per year.

The lowest salary for an Administrative Assistant in Denver, CO, United States is $42,624 per year.

Administrative assistant jobs offer insider access to a variety of professions. While base pay is modest, the role provides the opportunity for well-organized individuals with a high school diploma to see behind the scenes of their chosen field through a support role. Candidates can increase their pay by gaining work experience, working for private-sector firms rather than non-profits or government agencies, or upskilling through community college courses. Opportunities also exist for advancement to executive assistant.

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Ratings on Glassdoor reveal that 69% of administrative assistants consider their salary to be a good one. By having a degree in a related subject, learning in-demand skills, and getting an additional $2,872.12 per year, you can help qualify your administrative assistant salary as good.

As an administrative assistant, your salary will change over time depending on your skills and experience. However, you should make between $36,602.49 and $70,264.51, making around $50,529.03 on average, if you follow the average career path of an admin assistant. After learning on-the-job skills and building experience, you might take the next step as a senior administrative assistant, which offers a higher average.

Do you want to make more money as an administrative assistant? One thing you could do is further your education by getting an associate's degree in business administration or a bachelor's degree in business or finance. Alternatively, sign up for a training course to learn an in-demand skill, such as bookkeeping, data processing, documentation, or business writing, and keep on top of new developments in your industry. Finally, ensure that you're proficient in the types of software that admin assistants need to use, such as Microsoft Office, Powershell, and Active Directory. This will prepare you to confidently apply for opportunities as an administrative assistant.

Whether you're browsing administrative assistant jobs or have received your first offer, it's worth learning how to negotiate the best salary possible. If you're just applying, making a strong first impression in the interview is essential, so take a look at the top admin assistant interview questions and their answers. When negotiating, make a list of every point in your favor: your education, your experience, specific things you did at your last job, and any training you've received. This way you can bring up concrete points when speaking to your new boss. Work out what you should be making based on your level of experience, and ask for it.

About 69.15% of Administrative Assistant professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $2,872 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of an Administrative Assistant in Denver, CO as a good salary.

Administrative Assistant professionals in Denver, CO have a wide total pay range, between $36,602 and $70,265 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $50,529 following the average career path of an Administrative Assistant.



administrative assistant

