Software Engineer Salaries in Hatfield, West Midlands, England

Updated 16 Apr 2024
Base Pay Range
£32T - £46T/yr
Average Base Pay

377 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average£2,033Range£968 - £4,271
The average salary for Software Engineer is £40,260 per year in the Hatfield, West Midlands, England. The average additional cash compensation for a Software Engineer in the Hatfield, West Midlands, England is £2,033, with a range from £968 - £4,271. Salaries estimates are based on 377 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Software Engineer employees in Hatfield, West Midlands, England.
How accurate is an average base pay range of £32T-£46T/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Software Engineer?

in Hatfield, West Midlands, England

£40,260 /yr
Software Engineer
£56,328 /yr
Senior Software Engineer
£43,178 /yr
Software Engineer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Software Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Software Engineer£40,260 /yr
Senior Software Engineer£56,328 /yr
Software Engineer IV£43,178 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Software Engineer?

Entry Level Software Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Principal Software Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Software Development Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Software Development Engineer In Test (SDET)


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Software Engineer?

in Hatfield, West Midlands, England

£40,260 /yr
Software Engineer
£56,328 /yr
Senior Software Engineer
£43,178 /yr
Software Engineer IV
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Software Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Software Engineer£40,260 /yr
Senior Software Engineer£56,328 /yr
Software Engineer IV£43,178 /yr

Salaries in Hatfield, West Midlands, England



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Average Base Salary in (GBP)




Software Engineer


Range: £29T - £2L
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£28,515 - £2,16,195 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £28T - £2L
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£28,295 - £2,29,534 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £22T - £3L
372 salaries
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£22,040 - £2,50,293 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £18T - £1L
349 salaries
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£17,500 - £1,07,450 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £15T - £1L
321 salaries
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£15,000 - £1,27,113 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £19T - £3L
321 salaries
See 13,778 salaries from all locations



£18,510 - £2,79,765 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £7T - £2L
295 salaries
See 13,778 salaries from all locations



£6,837 - £2,10,000 Range

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Software Engineer


Range: £26T - £94T
260 salaries
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£25,612 - £94,361 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £14T - £4L
252 salaries
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£13,530 - £4,40,116 Range

BAE Systems Digital Intelligence

BAE Systems Digital Intelligence

Software Engineer


Range: £21T - £78T
244 salaries
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£20,840 - £77,790 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £22T - £87T
244 salaries
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£22,025 - £87,322 Range

J.P. Morgan

J.P. Morgan

Software Engineer


Range: £30T - £2L
228 salaries
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£30,000 - £1,50,000 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £16T - £80T
219 salaries
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£16,200 - £80,000 Range

Ocado Technology

Ocado Technology

Software Engineer


Range: £30T - £85T
205 salaries
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£30,000 - £85,000 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £20T - £2L
204 salaries
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£20,080 - £2,31,568 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £15T - £2L
186 salaries
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£15,000 - £2,09,680 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £30T - £2L
182 salaries
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£29,816 - £1,79,726 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £30T - £97T
171 salaries
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£30,000 - £96,500 Range

JPMorgan Chase & Co

JPMorgan Chase & Co

Software Engineer


Range: £32T - £2L
168 salaries
See 13,778 salaries from all locations



£32,000 - £2,00,000 Range



Software Engineer


Range: £20T - £80T
160 salaries
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£20,000 - £80,000 Range

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Software Engineer in Hatfield, West Midlands, England Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Software Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedHatfield, West Midlands, England/yr
Viewing 1 - 10 of 954

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Frequently asked questions about a Software Engineer salaries

The average salary for a Software Engineer is £40,260 per year in Hatfield, West Midlands, England. Salaries estimates are based on 377 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Software Engineer employees in Hatfield, West Midlands, England.

The highest salary for a Software Engineer in Hatfield, West Midlands, England is £50,591 per year.

The lowest salary for a Software Engineer in Hatfield, West Midlands, England is £32,516 per year.

Software engineers are paid above the national average. The pay range reflects the demand for their skillset and the profitability of the products they develop. Those working in London or other major city can expect usually to earn a higher salary. Candidates with prior experience in the field or higher levels of education generally receive higher salaries. Pay is expected to grow as digital transformation reaches a global level. Software engineers can further increase their total pay by pursuing freelance consulting opportunities.

If you want to earn more from your career as a software engineer, or you'd like to apply for a new position with a higher salary, ask yourself where your individual strengths lie, and how you can become a valued asset to a company. If you have vocational training, it may be worth considering a degree or advanced qualification in software engineering to make you more competitive and eligible for a higher pay bracket.

Learn new skills that are in high demand for your field. Add credibility to your skills by obtaining certifications from well-known authorities such as Microsoft, C (programming language), and CIW. And remember to keep abreast of industry developments and trends in the continually changing tech environment.

If you enjoy your job as a software engineer but would like to earn a higher salary, you could ask for a salary increase, provided that you can back up your request. If your job responsibilities have multiplied, you've been promoted, or you find out you're being underpaid, consider starting a dialogue with your bosses. Point out what you've brought to the company or any skills and certifications that set you apart. A 3% increase is standard, but ask for more to kick off negotiations.

Software engineers new to a company should highlight their most sought-after skills and experience to motivate a higher starting salary.

About 74.45% of Software Engineer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional £2,033 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Software Engineer in Hatfield, West Midlands, England as a good salary.

Software Engineer professionals in Hatfield, West Midlands, England have a wide total pay range, between £27,041 and £63,375 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of £40,260 following the average career path of a Software Engineer.



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