Claims Adjuster Salaries in Puerto Rico, United States

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
$47T - $75T/yr
Average Base Pay

16,215 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$5,576Range$4,182 - $7,807
The average salary for Claims Adjuster is $64,939 per year in the Puerto Rico, United States. The average additional cash compensation for a Claims Adjuster in the Puerto Rico, United States is $5,576, with a range from $4,182 - $7,807. Salaries estimates are based on 16215 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Claims Adjuster employees in Puerto Rico, United States.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Claims Adjuster?

in Puerto Rico, United States

$64,939 /yr
Claims Adjuster
$73,467 /yr
Senior Claims Adjuster
$72,162 /yr
Lead Claims Adjuster
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Claims Adjuster?

Job titleSalary
Claims Adjuster$64,939 /yr
Senior Claims Adjuster$73,467 /yr
Lead Claims Adjuster$72,162 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Claims Adjuster?

Auto Claims Adjuster


per year

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Claims Service Adjuster


per year

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Senior Claims Adjuster


per year

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per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Claims Adjuster?

in Puerto Rico, United States

$64,939 /yr
Claims Adjuster
$73,467 /yr
Senior Claims Adjuster
$72,162 /yr
Lead Claims Adjuster
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Claims Adjuster?

Job titleSalary
Claims Adjuster$64,939 /yr
Senior Claims Adjuster$73,467 /yr
Lead Claims Adjuster$72,162 /yr

Salaries in Puerto Rico, United States



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


Triple-S Salud

Triple-S Salud

Claims Adjuster


Range: $44T - $69T
2 salaries
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$43,844 - $69,005 Range

Medicare y Mucho Mas

Medicare y Mucho Mas

Claims Adjuster - Hourly


Range: $21 - $29
1 salaries
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$21 - $29 Range

Seguros Multiples

Seguros Multiples

Claims Adjuster - Hourly


Range: $19 - $30
1 salaries
See 4 salaries from all locations



$19 - $30 Range


Banco Popular

Claims Adjuster


Range: $33T - $59T
1 salaries
See 4 salaries from all locations



$33,032 - $58,958 Range

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Claims Adjuster in Puerto Rico, United States Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Claims Adjuster salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedPuerto Rico, United States/yr
Claims Adjuster salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedPuerto Rico, United States/hr
Claims Adjuster salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedPuerto Rico, United States/hr
Claims Adjuster salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedPuerto Rico, United States/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Claims Adjuster salaries

The average salary for a Claims Adjuster is $64,939 per year in Puerto Rico, United States. Salaries estimates are based on 16215 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Claims Adjuster employees in Puerto Rico, United States.

The highest salary for a Claims Adjuster in Puerto Rico, United States is $82,587 per year.

The lowest salary for a Claims Adjuster in Puerto Rico, United States is $51,306 per year.

Claims adjusters earn pay similar to the pay of cost estimators, fire inspectors, and property appraisers. The role offers an entry-level opportunity in the insurance industry to individuals without high educational barriers to entry.

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The amount claims adjusters make varies, but data reveals that around 80% of them are happy with their salary. If you want your claims adjuster salary to be a good one, a Bachelor's degree and average additional pay of $5,576.44 per year may help.

A claims adjuster's salary depends on a lot of factors, including education, experience, skills, and the type of career path they follow. However, they generally make between $41,523.03 and $102,240.30, with an estimated average salary of $59,362.57. After additional pay such as bonuses, you may be able to expect around $64,939.01. Consider applying for senior roles after building experience and mastering in-demand skills.

Earning higher pay in your claims adjuster career can be a daunting goal. The first thing you can do is earn a relevant Bachelor's degree in a subject like business or finance. Choose a degree that will teach you industry-specific skills or one that will allow you to do a claims adjuster internship. Learn in-demand skills, such as writing, providing estimates, negotiating, and using Microsoft Office. It might also be a good idea to gain professional certification to become a Certified Risk Adjustment Auditor. Finally, work on your soft skills, which include verbal and written communication, good time management, and teamwork.

Negotiating a fair salary is an important skill, whether you've landed your first job offer or want a higher salary in a current role. Figure out how much you should be asking for by browsing claims adjuster jobs and working out how much people with your level of experience and education tend to make. Next, plan your arguments. Explain why you feel you deserve a higher salary. It could be a professional certification you've earned or a big project that was successful. Perhaps you've simply learned new skills or gained years of experience since your last raise. Listing your arguments will allow you to negotiate confidently and successfully.

About 80.00% of Claims Adjuster professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $5,576 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Claims Adjuster in Puerto Rico as a good salary.

Claims Adjuster professionals in Puerto Rico have a wide total pay range, between $41,523 and $1,02,240 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $64,939 following the average career path of a Claims Adjuster.



claims adjuster


Puerto Rico